This function takes a string as input and links any "http" it finds so that they are then clickable in a browser.
Sample Usage:
response.write LinkURLS("Please visit my web site at").
This will automatically insert the A HREF tag in the appropriate place.
Function LinkURLs(strInput)
'This function takes a string as input and links any http's it
'finds so that they are then clickable in a browser.
Dim iCurrentLocation ' Our current position in the input string
Dim iLinkStart ' Beginning position of the current link
Dim iLinkEnd ' Ending position of the current link
Dim strLinkText ' Text we're converting to a link
Dim strOutput ' Return string with links in it
' Start at the first character in the string
iCurrentLocation = 1
' Look for http:// in the text from the current position to
' the end of the string. If we find it then we start the
' linking process otherwise we're done because there are no
' more http://'s in the string.
Do While InStr(iCurrentLocation, strInput, "http://", 1) <> 0
' Set the position of the beginning of the link
iLinkStart = InStr(iCurrentLocation, strInput, "http://", 1)
' Set the position of the end of the link. I use the
' first space as the determining factor.
iLinkEnd = InStr(iLinkStart, strInput, " ", 1)
'make sure ther was no line break. If there was a line break before the
' space, set that as the end.
checkBreak=InStr(iLinkStart, strInput, chr(13), 1)
if checkBreak>0 and checkBreak<iLinkEnd then iLinkEnd=checkbreak
' If we didn't find a space then we link to the
' end of the string
If iLinkEnd = 0 Then iLinkEnd = Len(strInput) + 1
' Take care of any punctuation we picked up
Select Case Mid(strInput, iLinkEnd - 1, 1)
Case ",",".", "!", "?"
iLinkEnd = iLinkEnd - 1
End Select
' This adds to the output string all the non linked stuff
' up to the link we're curently processing.
strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strInput, iCurrentLocation, _
iLinkStart - iCurrentLocation)
' Get the text we're linking and store it in a variable
strLinkText = Mid(strInput, iLinkStart, iLinkEnd - iLinkStart)
' Build our link and append it to the output string
strOutput = strOutput & "<A HREF=""" & strLinkText & """ target=""_blank"">" _
& strLinkText & "</A>"
' Some good old debugging
'Response.Write iLinkStart & "," & iLinkEnd & "
' & vbCrLf
' Reset our current location to the end of that link
iCurrentLocation = iLinkEnd
' Tack on the end of the string. I need to do this so we
' don't miss any trailing non-linked text
strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strInput, iCurrentLocation)
' Set the return value
LinkURLs = strOutput
End Function 'LinkURLs
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