
专注前端,专注网页设计制作及网站开发项目 - (低价承接网站开发项目) QQ:370158739加入收藏RSS
2013-12-20 09:10:04
[小 大]
<!--#include file = "include/Startup.asp"-->
<!--#include file = "utils/Survey.asp"-->
// ============================================
// NOTE: all source code downloaded from CoverYourASP was written by
// James Shaw (unless stated otherwise), and is copyright (c) 2000 by
// James Shaw. You may use this source code on your web sites, but
// please don't publish or distribute in any way.
// I would appreciate an HTML comment in any code you use, i.e.
// <!-- portions (c)>
// (see Footer(), documented in SSI.asp for details on how to do this)
// <shameless plug>
// Please contact me to discuss any ASP contract work you may have.
// </shameless plug>
// ============================================
// output relevant meta tags
Init( "Survey your readers" );
// output common top of page
Header( 'Survey your readers' );
// output page content
Content ( );
// output common bottom of page
Footer( );
// ============================================
// the content of this page - every page has a function 'Content' that
// is called above.
// ============================================
function Content ( )
Out ( '<td colspan=2 width="80%" valign="top">' );
// if the survey hasnt been submitted yet...
if ( !Request.Form.Count )
//...display some blah, blah
Out ( 'Finally, surveys come to CoverYourASP! I/'ve been wanting to ask you guys and gals
questions for a long time, and now I can. It/'s up to you if you want to answer of course!' );
Out ( '<p>Of course, the real benefit to you is that if you tell me what you like I/'ll probably
provide it. If you send in your <a href="Donate.asp">donations</a> the probability increases rather
dramatically!' );
Out ( '<p>Take the example survey below if you have the time and inclination. I plan to post more
in a special survey category, and start offering incentives to take them.' );
Out ( '<p>Afterwards, look at the code. I think you/'ll be surprised how simple it is to create
surveys with this code. This page has one function call in it, with just one parameter - the name of the
survey! All questions, answers and results are stored in the database.' );
// show the survey, or process it's input
ProcessSurvey ( 'Who are you and what do you think?' );
if ( !Request.Form.Count )
Out ( '<p><a href="ShowSource.asp?page=SurveyDescr"><img src="" align="right"
border=0></a>Please submit the survey first before looking at the source code - this link is on the result
page too!' );
Out ( '<p><center><a href="ShowSource.asp?page=SurveyDescr"><img src=""
border=0></a></center>' );
Out ( '</td>' );
Out ( '<td width="20%" valign="top">' );
// show rotating banners
ShowBanners ( 4 );
Out ( '</td>' );
// ============================================
// NOTE: all source code downloaded from CoverYourASP was written by
// James Shaw (unless stated otherwise), and is copyright (c) 2000 by
// James Shaw. You may use this source code on your web sites, but
// please don't publish or distribute in any way.
// I would appreciate an HTML comment in any code you use, i.e.
// <!-- portions (c)>
// (see Footer(), documented in SSI.asp for details on how to do this)
// <shameless plug>
// Please contact me to discuss any ASP contract work you may have.
// </shameless plug>
// ============================================
// ============================================
// display or process the named survey
// ============================================
function ProcessSurvey ( sName )
// has the survey form been submitted?
if ( Request.Form.Count )
// connect to the database
DBInitConnection ( );
var sSurvey = "" + Request.Form ( "Survey" );
// only update the survey when no cookie
if ( "" == Request.Cookies ( sSurvey ) )
// get the data from the form and update the database
// use an enumerator to get name and value
var e = new Enumerator ( Request.Form );
while ( !e.atEnd ( ) )
var oItem = e.item();
// increment the current number of times this answer has been chosen
oConnection.Execute ( 'UPDATE SurveyAnswers SET Hits=Hits+1 WHERE Question="' + oItem + '" AND
Answer="' + Request.Form ( oItem ) + '";' );
e.moveNext ( );
// note that setting cookie here assumes we are buffering
// the Reponse.Writes - cookies must be set before any
// HTML is sent to the client
Response.Cookies ( sSurvey ) = "1";
// I'm not setting the 'expires' on the cookie, so it'll go
// away when the browser is closed. I just wanted to stop
// the survey incrementing if the page refreshed.
// now display all the answers to the survey
Out ( '<p>Thanks for taking part in our "' + sSurvey + '" survey! The answers that everyone has
given so far are shown below:' );
// the last question we displayed
var sLast = "";
// get all the selected answers, sorted by question and hits
DBGetRecords ( 'SELECT SurveyAnswers.Question,Answer,Hits FROM SurveyAnswers INNER JOIN
SurveyQuestions ON SurveyQuestions.Question=SurveyAnswers.Question WHERE Survey="' + sSurvey + '" AND
Hits>0 ORDER BY SurveyAnswers.Question,Hits DESC;' );
var fScale;
while ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
// display question when it changes
var sIntQuestion = "" + oRecordSet ( 0 );
// slice off chars used for sorting
var sQuestion = sIntQuestion.slice ( 2 );
// get answer
var sIntAnswer = "" + oRecordSet ( 1 );
// slice off chars used for sorting
var sAnswer = ExpandMacros ( sIntAnswer.slice ( 2 ) );
var nReaders = oRecordSet ( 2 ) - 0;
if ( sQuestion != sLast )
Out ( '<h5>' + sQuestion + '</h5>' );
sLast = sQuestion;
Out ( '<font color="red">"' + sAnswer + '" was the top answer (' + nReaders + ' readers)
</font><br>' );
fScale = 300.0 / nReaders;
Out ( '"' + sAnswer + '" was chosen by ' + nReaders + ' readers<br>' );
Out ( '<img src="" height="8" width="' + (nReaders * fScale) + '"><br>' );
oRecordSet.MoveNext ( );
// release the connection ASAP
DBReleaseConnection ( );
// some initial instructions
Out ( '<p>There aren/'t any important instructions when answering these questions - except you
don/'t have to answer any. All are optional - if you don/'t like a question, or none of the answers are
relevant, just move onto the next one!' );
// connect to the database
DBInitConnection ( );
// get the questions from the database
DBGetRecords ( 'SELECT Question FROM SurveyQuestions WHERE Survey="' + sName + '" ORDER BY
Question;' );
if ( oRecordSet.EOF )
Out ( 'No questions were found for survey "' + sName + '"<p>' );
// store the questions in an array
var sIntQuestions = new Array;
var nQuestions = 0;
while ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
sIntQuestions [ nQuestions++ ] = "" + oRecordSet ( 0 );
oRecordSet.MoveNext ( );
Out ( '<form action="' + Request.ServerVariables ( 'SCRIPT_NAME' ) + '" method="post">' );
// some hidden fields to pass data through to results page
Out ( '<input type="hidden" name="Survey" value="' + sName + '">' );
// now loop through the questions
for ( var nQuestion=0; nQuestion<nQuestions; nQuestion++ )
var sIntQuestion = sIntQuestions [ nQuestion ];
// slice off chars used for sorting
var sQuestion = sIntQuestion.slice ( 2 );
// get the answers from the database
DBGetRecords ( 'SELECT Answer,AnswerType FROM SurveyAnswers WHERE Question="' + sIntQuestion + '"
ORDER BY Answer;' );
Out ( '<h5>' + sQuestion + '</h5>' );
while ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
// get the answer
var sIntAnswer = "" + oRecordSet ( 0 );
// slice off chars used for sorting
var sAnswer = ExpandMacros ( sIntAnswer.slice ( 2 ) );
var sAnswerType= "" + oRecordSet ( 1 );
switch ( sAnswerType )
case 'radio':
Out ( '<input type="radio" name="' + sIntQuestion + '" value="' + sIntAnswer + '"> ' +
sAnswer );
Out ( '<br>' );
// get next answer
oRecordSet.MoveNext ( );
Out ( '<p><input type="submit" value="Submit answers">' );
Out ( '</form>' );
// release the connection ASAP
DBReleaseConnection ( );
// ============================================
// add links to text where *? macros are found, e.g. *d expands to
// <a href="Donate.asp">Send a donation!</a>
// NOTE: currently assumes expansions are always at end of line
// ============================================
function ExpandMacros ( sText )
var sMacros = new Array (
var sExpansions = new Array (
'<a href="Contact.asp" target="CYAEXternal">You need to send me feedback!</a>',
'<a href="Donate.asp" target="CYAEXternal">send a donation!</a>'
for ( var i=0; i<sMacros.length; i++ )
var nPos = sText.indexOf ( sMacros [ i ] );
if ( -1 != nPos )
sText = sText.slice ( 0, nPos ) + sExpansions [ i ];
return sText;
// ============================================
// NOTE: all source code downloaded from CoverYourASP was written by
// James Shaw (unless stated otherwise), and is copyright (c) 2000 by
// James Shaw. You may use this source code on your web sites, but
// please don't publish or distribute in any way.
// I would appreciate an HTML comment in any code you use, i.e.
// <!-- portions (c)>
// (see Footer(), documented in SSI.asp for details on how to do this)
// <shameless plug>
// Please contact me to discuss any ASP contract work you may have.
// </shameless plug>
// ============================================
// globals
var oConnection;
var oRecordSet;
// enums
// Connection.State and Recordset.State property
var adStateClosed = 0; // the object is closed.
var adStateOpen = 1; // the object is open.
var adStateConnecting = 2; // the object is connecting.
var adStateExecuting = 4; // the object is executing a command.
var adStateFetching = 8; // the rows of the object are being fetched.
// Recordset.Cursor property
var adOpenUnspecified = -1; // does not specify the type of cursor.
var adOpenForwardOnly = 0; // (default) a forward-only cursor, i.e. you get only one pass thru the data!
var adOpenKeyset = 1; // can go in any direction, and as a bonus you'll see changes other users
var adOpenDynamic = 2; // as Keyset, but also you can see additions/deletions other users make.
var adOpenStatic = 3; // can go in any direction, but read-only.
// Recordset.LockType property
var adLockUnspecified = -1; // does not specify a type of lock.
var adLockReadOnly = 1; // (default) guess!
var adLockPessimistic = 2; // guaranteed to work
var adLockOptimistic = 3; // records locked only when you call Update. fingers crossed
var adLockBatchOptimistic = 4;// required for batch update mode
// ============================================
// example usage:
// DBInitConnection ( );
// DBGetRecords ( "SELECT * FROM Somewhere" );
// ...use oRecordSet
// DBReleaseRecords ( ); // optional step
// DBGetRecords ( "SELECT * FROM SomewhereElse" );
// ...use oRecordSet
// DBReleaseRecords ( ); // optional step
// DBReleaseConnection ( );
// ============================================
// ============================================
// initializes database variables for first use on page - leave it to the
// last possible second before calling this function
// ============================================
function DBInitConnection ( )
// don't open it again if already opened!
if ( oConnection != undefined )
// you can open Recordset objects without a Connection object, but
// it's far less efficient if you are opening multiple Recordsets.
// if you don't create a Connection object ADO creates a new one for
// each new Recordset.Open, even if you use the same connection string.
oConnection = Server.CreateObject( 'ADODB.Connection' );
// open the database - use MapPath to make relative path into physical path
// NOTE: keep your database path a secret - nasty people are everywhere!
// 2. change the 4.0 to 3.51 when using Access 97
oConnection.Open( 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.' + sDBDriver + '; Data Source=' + Server.MapPath (
sDBPath ) );
// create a Recordset
oRecordSet = Server.CreateObject( 'ADODB.Recordset' );
// ============================================
// tidies up after DBInitConnection
// ============================================
function DBReleaseConnection ( )
// don't release the connection if not connected!
if ( oConnection == undefined )
// close and delete the Recordset object
DBReleaseRecords ( );
oRecordSet = undefined;
// Don't call Close if the Recordset failed to Open properly, i.e. its
// State is still adStateClosed (0)
if ( oConnection.State != adStateClosed )
oConnection = undefined;
// ============================================
// executes the passed in SQL statement and returns a read-only
// forward-only oRecordSet object
// ============================================
function DBGetRecords ( sSQL )
// if the Recordset is already open, close it
DBReleaseRecords ( );
// we could use oRecordSet = oConnection.Execute( sSQL ) here
// but then we will always get back a read-only, forward-only cursor.
// (admittedly this is the most used type, but still)
// use oRecordSet.Open and we have far more control. For details
// read the definitions of the enums at the top of this file.
// remember that this can fail if passed garbage, and hence the
// Recordset will remain closed, State == adStateClosed
oRecordSet.Open ( sSQL, oConnection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly );
// ============================================
// tidies up after DBGetRecords
// ============================================
function DBReleaseRecords ( )
// when you have finished with an open Recordset object, call the
// Close method to release its resources. You can call Open again.
// Don't call Close if the Recordset failed to Open properly, i.e. its
// State is still adStateClosed
if ( oRecordSet != undefined && oRecordSet.State != adStateClosed )
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