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利用ASP + XML 架设在线考试系统

使用这个在线的考试系统,我们能处理任何类型在线测试。 尽管我们一般是用传统方式实现,读者非常希望将。

如果从总体上考虑。 所有问题都储存在服务器( 它可能在数据库里) 里面的的xml 文件里。 用户准备花费考试,然后用户测试的通体将通过微软的XML HTTP 组件传送到浏览器。 使用同一个XML HTTP 组件,每当用户请求一个问题的时候,那些问题内容被从服务器解释并且显示在页上。 对用户的任何问题,你所选择的答案会被储存在客户端。  

一次考试的持续时间是5 分钟。 没有回答不了,你可以使用NEXT回答下洋问题。 一旦用户启动考试,所有问题目录将来自服务器。 所给问题的Id 每请求到服务器以来在内目录在客户拿给并且给服务器派内储存。 服务器将返回问题内容,符合问题Id,从xml 文件。 当用户选择任何一个答案时,体制将在那些应答表里储存和在在客户边里的选择表里。 用户最后已经选择的正确的答案,应答表用来并不地检查。 选择表在那里是以便系统将自动选择用户已经选择了的选择 ( 例如用户点击以前的按钮) 考试将结束或者用户点击终结按钮或者首先来,时间( 例如5 分钟) 结束。 关于终结,系统将计算并不右边答案的并且展示它。 那些以下的文件被在在线的考试系统里使用:


  var objXmlHTTP,objXmlDOM;
  var aQuest; //to store question ids
  var aAnswer = new Array(); // to track the result
  var aSelected = new Array(); // to store user's response
  var count = 0; //to store the current question no
  var ansSel = 0; //to store user's selection
  var ExamDuration = 5 * 60 ; // 5 minutes
  var timerID; //to store the setInterval fun's id
  var radIndex = -1; //to store the selected radio's index

  //constructor like function
  //here XML objects are created and
  //No of questions as well as question ids list
  //are fetched from the server.
  function init(){
    objXmlHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    objXmlDOM = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");"POST","OLExam.asp?Action=Start",false);
    temp =objXmlHTTP.ResponseText;
    aQuest = temp.split(",");

    //initialize the user's answers list
    for(i=0;i<aQuest.length; i++){
      aAnswer[i] = 0; // 0 for wrong; 1 for right answer
      aSelected[i] = -1; // to store the radio's index

    if(count < aQuest.length) {
      url = "OLExam.asp?Action=NextQ&QNo=" + aQuest[count];"POST", url ,false);
      //parse the response content fetched from the server
      //and display the question
    //change the Start button's caption and its click event
    document.frm.btnFinish.value = "Finish the Exam";
    document.frm.btnFinish.onclick = showResult; //function
    //start the timer
    timerID = setInterval("timer()",1000);

  function getPreQ() {
    //update the user's answers list
    //decrement the question no - i.e. to previous Question
    //stop the timer
    //fetch the question for the aQuest[count] id
    url = "OLExam.asp?Action=NextQ&QNo=" + aQuest[count];"POST",url ,false);

    //parse the response content fetched from the server
    //and display the question
    //start the timer
    timerID = setInterval("timer()",1000);

  function getNextQ() {
    //update the user's answers list

    //increment the question no - i.e. to next Question

    //stop the timer

    url = "OLExam.asp?Action=NextQ&QNo=" + aQuest[count];"POST", url ,false);

    //parse the response content fetched from the server
    //and display the question

    //start the timer
    timerID = setInterval("timer()",1000);

  function parseQ(){
    //fetch the question from theXML Object
    //format the display     
    strOut  = "<table border=0 align=center width=80%>";
    strOut += "<tr><td colspan=2><b>";
    strOut += "Question No: " + (count+1) + " of ";
    strOut += aQuest.length + "</b></td></tr>";
    strOut += "<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>";

    temp = objXmlDOM.selectSingleNode("data/qtext").text;

    strOut += "<tr><td colspan=2><b>"+temp+"</b></td></tr>";
    strOut += "<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>";

    Nodes = objXmlDOM.selectNodes("data/choice");

      strOut += "<tr><td align=center width=10%>";
      strOut += "<input type=radio name=ansUsr ";
      strOut += " onClick='ansSel=" + (i+1);
      strOut += ";radIndex=" + i + "' ";
      strOut += "value=" + (i+1) + "></td><td>";
      strOut +=  Nodes.item(i).text + "</td></tr>";        

    //set ansNo (hidden field) to the actual answer
    temp = objXmlDOM.selectSingleNode("data/answer").text;
    document.frm.ansNo.value = temp;

    strOut += "<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>";
    strOut += "<tr><td colspan=2>";

    if(count != 0 ){
      strOut += "<input type=button value=Previous ";
      strOut += " > ";

    if(count < aQuest.length-1){
      strOut += " <input type=button value=Next";
      strOut += " >";            

    strOut += "</td></tr></table>";

    //set the strOut content to <P> tag named QArea
    QArea.innerHTML = strOut;

    //set the default value to ansSel
    ansSel = 0;
    radIndex = -1;

    //check the radio if user has selected previously
    if (aSelected[count] != -1) {
      radIndex = aSelected[count];
      ansSel = radIndex + 1;
      document.frm.ansUsr[radIndex].checked = true;

  function checkAnswer(){
    //store the selected radio's index
    aSelected[count] = radIndex;

    //if the user selection matches the actual answer
    if (ansSel == document.frm.ansNo.value)
      aAnswer[count] = 1;
      aAnswer[count] = 0;

  function showResult() {
    rights = 0;

    //stop the timer

    //update the user's answers list

    //count no of answers
      if(aAnswer[i] == 1)
    strRes = "<h2 align=center><br>";

    //if all the answers are correct then greet
    if(rights == aAnswer.length)
      strRes += "<br><br>Congratulations...!";

    strRes += "<br><br>your score is " + rights;
    strRes += " out of " + aAnswer.length + "</h2>";


  var timeCount = 0;
  function timer(){
    timeCount++;  //increment the time by one second

    //to display the time in the status bar,
    // uncomment the next line
    //window.status = "..." + timeCount + " secs" ;

    //to display the time
    temp =  "Time:   " + parseInt(timeCount/60);
    temp += "  min : " + (timeCount%60) + " sec ";
    TBlock.innerText = temp;

    //if the time is up
    if (timeCount == ExamDuration) {
      alert("Sorry, time is up");

<h2 align=center><font color=green>OnLine Exam</font></h2>

<form name=frm >
<table border=1 width=95% bgcolor=DarkSeaGreen align=center>
<tr><td align=right><b id=TBlock></b></td></tr>
<p id="QArea">
Relax...! The duration of this exam is 5 minutes.
There is no order to answer a question. You may use Next as
well as Previous button to get a question to answer.
<input type=button name=btnFinish value="Start the Exam"
<input type=hidden name=ansNo>



Response.expires = 0
'create an instance of MS XMLDOM Object
'and load the QBank.xml file where all the questions are.

set obj = server.createobject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
obj.async = false

'very first request from the client
if trim(request("Action")) = "Start" then
  'set no of questions per exam
  Dim NoQ,TotalQ
  NoQ = 5 'set no less than the totalquestions
  'count no of questions in the xml file
  '( or from database)
  TotalQ = obj.selectNodes("data/question").length

  Dim aQuest(),temp,isExist, strQ
  ReDim aQuest(0) 'to store the question ids
  'generate (=NoQ) question ids randomly
  while ubound(aQuest) < NoQ
    isExist = false
    temp = Int((TotalQ * Rnd) + 1)
    for i = 1 to ubound(aQuest)
      if aQuest(i) = temp then
        isExist = true
        exit for
      end if
    if Not isExist then
      Redim Preserve aQuest(ubound(aQuest)+1)
      aQuest(ubound(aQuest)) = temp
      strQ = aQuest(i) & "," & strQ
    end if
  'remove the last comma ',' from strQ
  strQ = left(strQ,len(strQ)-1)
  'send the question in the strQ to the client
  response.write strQ
'all further requests - after the first request
elseif trim(request("Action")) = "NextQ" then
  'fetch the question from the XML Object
  'and form the output string
  temp = "data/question[@id=" & trim(request("QNo")) & "]"

  set Node = obj.selectSingleNode(temp)

  strXML = "<data>"
  strXML = strXML & "<qtext>"
  strXML = strXML & Node.selectSingleNode("qtext").text
  strXML = strXML & "</qtext>"
  strXML = strXML & "<answer>"
  strXML = strXML & Node.selectSingleNode("answer").text
  strXML = strXML & "</answer>"

  set Node = Node.selectNodes("choices/choice")

  for i = 0 to Node.length-1
    strXML = strXML & "<choice>"
    strXML = strXML & Node.item(i).text
    strXML = strXML & "</choice>"

  strXML = strXML & "</data>"

  'send the output to the client
  Response.Write (strXML)
end if


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <question id="1">
    <qtext>What does KB stand for?</qtext>
      <choice>Kilo Bits</choice>
      <choice>Key Board</choice>
      <choice>Kilo Bytes</choice>
  <question id="2">
    <qtext>CPU stands for</qtext>
      <choice>Central Processing Unit</choice>
      <choice>Central Power Unit</choice>
      <choice>Core Processing Unit</choice>
      <choice>Core Power Unit</choice>
  <question id="3">
    <qtext>1 KB equals</qtext>
      <choice>1000 Bytes</choice>
      <choice>1024 Bytes</choice>
      <choice>1000 Bits</choice>
      <choice>1024 Bits</choice>
  <question id="4">
    <qtext>RAM is </qtext>
      <choice>Random Access Modifier</choice>
      <choice>Primary Memory</choice>
      <choice>Secondary Memory</choice>
      <choice>Read And Modify</choice>
  <question id="5">
    <qtext>Hard Disk is </qtext>
      <choice>Hard to break</choice>
      <choice>Primary Memory Storage</choice>
      <choice>Temporary Memory Storage</choice>
      <choice>Secondary Memory Storage</choice>
  <question id="6">
    <qtext>Computer Monitor is used </qtext>
      <choice>To monitor activities</choice>
      <choice>To control Computer</choice>
      <choice>As display unit</choice>
  <question id="7">
    <qtext>XML stands for</qtext>
      <choice>Extended Markup Language</choice>
      <choice>Extended Model Language</choice>
      <choice>Extensible Markup Language</choice>
      <choice>Extensible Model Language</choice>
  <question id="8">
    <qtext>ASP stands for</qtext>
      <choice>Active Server Page</choice>
      <choice>Application Service Provision</choice>
      <choice>As Soon as Possible</choice>
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