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1。index.asp 调用vbs类处理模板


'---  ---
' index.asp
'------  ----
' (c)2000 James Q. Stansfield (
' This code is free for use by anyone. It is meant as a learning tool and can be passed along in any format.
option explicit
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="parse_cls.asp"-->
'Declare our variables
dim g_oPageGen
'Cerate the class object
set g_oPageGen = New parseTMPL
'Set the template file
g_oPageGen.TemplateFile = "template.html"
'Add some custom tags to the dictionary
g_oPageGen.AddToken "title", "Template Example"
g_oPageGen.AddToken "copyright", "This is mine! All mine!"
g_oPageGen.AddToken "quote", """Tell Jabba I've got his money!""<br>--Han Solo, Star Wars 1977"
g_oPageGen.AddToken "menu", "Home Page<br>News Page<br>Link Page"
g_oPageGen.AddToken "content", "Welcome To My Home Page... Yadda Yadda Yadda!"
'Generate the page
'Destroy our objects
set g_oPageGen = nothing

2。parse_cls.asp  处理模板类文件


'---  ---
' parse_cls.asp
' This code is free for use by anyone. It is meant as a learning tool and can be passed along in any format.
class parseTMPL
    'Dimension variables
    private g_sTMPLFILE
    private g_oDict
    private g_bFILE

    private sub class_Initialize
        'Create the Scripting.Dictionary Object,
        'Set the compare mode to 1 so that it is case insensitive.
        'Also flag a boolean file so we know whether our file is there or not.
        set g_oDict = createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        g_oDict.CompareMode = 1
        g_bFILE = FALSE
    end sub
    private sub class_Terminate
        'Destroy our object.
        set g_oDict = nothing
    end sub
    public property let TemplateFile(inFile)
        'A file & path must be specified for the routine to work.
        g_sTMPLFILE = server.mappath(inFile)
    end property
    private property get TemplateFile()
        TemplateFile = g_sTMPLFILE
    end property
    public sub AddToken(inToken, inValue)
        'This property allows us to set our tokens.
        g_oDict.Add inToken, inValue
    end sub
    public sub GenerateHTML
        'This is the main, and only public method of the class.
        'This method will check whether we've specified a file or not.
        'Check for the files existance if we have specified it.
        'If the file exists we will open it and dumps it's contents into an array.
        'The array is split on VbCrLf to make it more manageable.
        if len(g_sTMPLFILE) > 0 then
            dim l_oFSO, l_oFile, l_arrFile
            set l_oFSO = createobject("Scriptinu39HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

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