
专注前端,专注网页设计制作及网站开发项目 - (低价承接网站开发项目) QQ:370158739加入收藏RSS
2013-12-20 14:54:21
- web|数据|数据库|数据库连接 呵呵!偶是不是有点市侩<configuration> <!-- application specific settings --> <appSettings> <add key="ConnectionString" value="s
2013-12-20 14:54:19 key considerations(三)_.NET教程_编程技术
- AuthorizationOnce your users have been authenticated, you can focus on authorizing what resources you would like them to have access to. The following sample
2013-12-20 14:54:19 key considerations(二)_.NET教程_编程技术
- Using Parentheses with Method CallsIn ASP, you could freely call methods on objects without using parentheses, as shown below: Sub WriteData() Response.Wri
2013-12-20 14:54:17
WebPoll in C#[ Bate2 等级:中 高]_.NET教程_编程技术
- web WebPoll in C# is implemented as a User Control in a Vs.Net Beta2 project. The database behind the control is SQL Server, but it could easily be moved to Access.
2013-12-20 14:54:14
Is your .NET Code safe?_.NET教程_编程技术
- Is Your Code Safe? VS.NET's use of Microsoft Intermediate Language creates big advantages, but exposes VB.NET on the desktop. by Dan FergusURL:
2013-12-20 14:54:13
- Every .NET Framework base data type (Int32, Int64, Single, Double, and so on) contains a Format method and a ToString method that return a string-formatted represen
2013-12-20 14:54:11
-这个是连接url)Standard Numeric Format Strings are used to return commonly used
2013-12-20 14:54:11
Numeric Parse Method_.NET教程_编程技术
- The Parse method converts a string that represents a .NET Framework numeric base type to an actual .NET Framework numeric base type. It takes the following forms, w
2013-12-20 14:54:10
- 转换 The DateTime data type also contains a Format method and a ToString method that return a string-formatted representation of the original value. The Format metho
2013-12-20 14:54:10
- 转换 Customizing the Format Method for Custom TypesYou can easily implement a Format method for your own custom types by overriding the IFormattable Interface. All .
2013-12-20 14:54:08
- erp|转换 如何使用.NET将PowerPoint转为HTML文件我们当然要使用Com组件了,所以要先安装powerpoint2000,在VS.NET里面添加一个refrence,找到microsoft PowerPoint object library 9
2013-12-20 14:54:08
- css 靠!你真的不会CSS?那你先找一下CSS的资料吧。比如你的CSS文件里面有以下内容:Class1{width:20%;}Class2{width:30%;}然后写你的DataGrid,你不要使用它默认的写法,将AutoGenrated(
2013-12-20 14:54:07
- datagrid|分页 <asp:DataGrid id="programmaticID" runat=server<br> DataSource='<%# DataBindingExpression %>'<br> AllowPaging="True|False"<br> AllowSorting=
2013-12-20 14:54:01
- web|水晶报表|页面 ///customnav.aspx<%@ Register TagPrefix="CrystalReports" Namespace="SeagateSoftware.Web" Assembly="SeagateSoftware.Web" %><%@ Page Src="CustomNav.c
2013-12-20 14:54:01
Creating Custom Portal Modules_.NET教程_编程技术
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A portal module combines some code and UI to present specific functionality to the u