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list页面的字段要求可以根据用户的喜好进行排序,所以每个用户的字段都对应着不同的顺序(字段顺序存数据库),我们从数据库里取出来的值是对象,但是前台传值是用的ajax和json array,所以就面临着一个对象到json的转换问题:1. 每个用户的字段顺序不固定,代码不能写死, 2. 根据用户字段顺序去取值,如果用if判断每个值然后调用不同的方法,if条件语句太多。然后就看了下反射。PBbHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

Model 类,跟正常model一样PBbHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

public class Person {  private String name;  private int age;  private String address;  private String phoneNumber;  private String sex;  public String getName() {    return name;  }// 以下是get 和set方法,省略。}

测试类PBbHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;import java.lang.reflect.Method;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class Test {  // init person object.  private Person initPerson() {    Person p = new Person();    p.setName("name");    p.setAge(21);    p.setAddress("this is my addrss");    p.setPhoneNumber("12312312312");    p.setSex("f");    return p;  }    public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {    Test test = new Test();    Person p = test.initPerson();    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();    // Add all get method.    // There is no ‘()' of methods name.    list.add("getName");    list.add("getAge");    list.add("getAddress");    list.add("getPhoneNumber");    list.add("getSex");        for (String str : list) {  // Get method instance. first param is method name and second param is param type.  // Because Java exits the same method of different params, only method name and param type can confirm a method.      Method method = p.getClass().getMethod(str, new Class[0]);  // First param of invoke method is the object who calls this method.  // Second param is the param.      System.out.println(str + "(): Get Value is  " + method.invoke(p, new Object[0]));    }  }}

样就可以根据数据库获取的字段遍历从对象去取相应的值了PBbHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

上面那个方法是要给list添加get方法名,才能根据相应的get方法名去获取值,如果前台传过来的只是一个属性名,那我们还要转换成相应的get方法,麻烦。PBbHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

public static void getValueByProperty(Person p, String propertyName) throws IntrospectionException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {    // get property by the argument propertyName.    PropertyDescriptor pd = new PropertyDescriptor(propertyName, p.getClass());    Method method = pd.getReadMethod();    Object o = method.invoke(p);    System.out.println("propertyName: " + propertyName + "/t  value is:  " + o);  }    public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, IntrospectionException {    Test test = new Test();    Person p = test.initPerson();    // get all properties.    Field[] fields = p.getClass().getDeclaredFields();    for (Field field : fields) {      getValueByProperty(p, field.getName());    }   }

这样就能直接通过传过来的propertyName获取对应的value值了PBbHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

以上这篇Java反射根据不同方法名动态调用不同的方法(实例)就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持脚本之家。PBbHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

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