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<html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Example</title>    <style>.CreabineCarousel{ width: 100%;  height: 700px;  background-size: cover;  position: relative;}.CreabineCarousel .CreabineCarousel-dotContainer{ position:absolute; bottom: 5%; margin:0 auto; z-index: 100; list-style-type: none; width: 100%; text-align: center; left: 0; padding: 0;}.CreabineCarousel .CreabineCarousel-dotContainer .dot{ width: 30px; height: 4px; border-radius:3px; background-color:#fff; display: inline-block; margin:0 5px; opacity: 0.7;}.CreabineCarousel .CreabineCarousel-dotContainer .dot:hover{ opacity: 1;}.CreabineCarousel .CreabineCarousel-item{ position:absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; transition:all 0.8s;}.CreabineCarousel .CreabineCarousel-item h1{ max-width: 600px; text-align: center; font-size: 5rem; line-height: 1.3; color: #fff; padding: 300px 50px 0 50px; margin:0 auto;}.CreabineCarousel .CreabineCarousel-item p{ max-width: 600px; text-align: center; font-size: 1.4rem; line-height: 1.4; color: #fff; padding-top: 10px 50px 0 50px; margin:0 auto;}    </style></head><body> <div id="carouselRoot"></div><script>function CreabineCarousel(options){ var imgPathList = options.images;  var textList = options.contant;  if (!options.root) {    throw "require root to this CreabineCarousel";  }  if (!imgPathList) {    throw "must provide parameter images";  }  if (imgPathList.length != textList.length) {    throw "images are not equal to contants";  }  var changeCount = 0;  var timer;  var _autoScroll = options.autoScroll || false;  var _scrollDuration = options.scrollDuration || 4000;  var _height = options.height || 700;  function initElements() {   var _root = document.getElementById(options.root);   if (!_root) {      throw "no exist called this name element,please create element called this name";    }    _root.className = "CreabineCarousel"; = _height + "px";    var _dotContainer = document.createElement("ul");    _dotContainer.className = 'CreabineCarousel-dotContainer';    _root.appendChild(_dotContainer);    for (var i = 0; i < imgPathList.length; i++) {      var _dot = document.createElement("li");      _dot.className = "dot"; = "item" + (i+1) + "dot";      _dotContainer.appendChild(_dot);      var _item = document.createElement("div");      _item.className = "CreabineCarousel-item" = "item" + (i+1); = "url(" + imgPathList[i] + ")"; = "cover"; = "no-repeat";      if(i == 0){ = '0'; = '1';      }      _root.appendChild(_item);      var _h = document.createElement("h1");      _h.innerText = textList[i].title;      _item.appendChild(_h);      var _p = document.createElement("p");      _p.innerText = textList[i].text;      _item.appendChild(_p);    }    _dotContainer.addEventListener("mouseover",function(e){     if( && == "dot" ){     clearInterval(timer);     var id =,5);     CarouselHover(id);     }    });    _dotContainer.addEventListener("mouseout",function(e){     if( && == "dot" ){     var id =;     CarouselOut(id);     }    });    if(_autoScroll){      timer = setInterval(function(){Carousel()},_scrollDuration);    }  }  function Carousel(){    var all = document.getElementsByClassName('CreabineCarousel-item');    for (var i = all.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {      all[i].style.opacity = '0';      all[i].style.zIndex = '1';    }    var i=((changeCount++%5)+1);    var id = "item" + i;    document.getElementById(id).style.opacity = '1';    document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex = '10';  }  function CarouselHover(id){    clearInterval(timer);    var all = document.getElementsByClassName('CreabineCarousel-item');    for (var i = all.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {      all[i].style.opacity = '0';      all[i].style.zIndex = '1';    }    document.getElementById(id).style.opacity = '1';    document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex = '10';  }  function CarouselOut(id){    var num = id.substring(4,5);    num = parseInt(num)-1;    changeCount = num;    timer = window.setInterval(function(){Carousel()},_scrollDuration);  }  initElements(); new CreabineCarousel({ root:'carouselRoot', autoScroll:true,        scrollDuration:3000, height:700, images:['','','','',''], contant:[  {  title:"title-1",  text:"text-111"  },  {  title:"title-2",  text:"text-222"  },  {  title:"title-3",  text:"text-333"  },  {  title:"title-4",  text:"text-444"  },  {  title:"title-5",  text:"text-555"  }, ] });</script></body></html>

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